Sunday, 20 February 2011

CRAFT - Patchwork plant pot

This is the plant pot that I had said ages ago that I would show you. Its really easy to make and looks so much nicer than the cheap plastic pot that is hiding underneath! As other nicer ceramic pots can add up cash wise I decided to decorate a plastic one to see how it would hold out through winter and it's been great, even kept it's colour! Below is what you need and how to make one for yourself.....enjoy
NEED:-1 cheap plastic pot from your local garden centre/shop.
-Some old bits of fabric, cut-off's or scraps would work well as you will be recycling them. I used cotton, but I'm sure other types like silk or synthetics would work as well.
-Strong glue. I used a 250ml Weatherproof wood adhesive it does cost a little bit (under a tenner), but I made quite a few patchwork pots from that, and covered my little birdhouse so it does go a long way.

- Cut or tear the first few fabric patches you want to add to your pot, there are no rules to what size, it could be small or larger squares, straight edges or wonkey will look quirky. All will look effective.
- Put some newspaper down as glue will drip down from the pot while you're sticking.
- Drizzle the glue onto the clean plastic pot surface and either use a glue spreader or like me, your fingers, to wipe the glue over the area where the first patch will go.
- Stick on the first patch, then repeat with the second, adding more glue and slightly overlapping so there are no areas where the pot shows through.
- I found it good to do the top lip of the pot first. Make sure that you fold the fabric patches over the top and about 1 or 2 inches down on the inside so that once the soil is in you still don't see the plastic pot much.
- Same goes for the bottom, finish the bottom edge by gluing the fabric about 1 or 2 inches under the pot so that you don't see the edge of the fabric. (Ensure you keep the holes on the bottom free for water to run through).
NB: You will need to let the top dry before you do the bottom as the glue will stick to the paper.
-Then do the middle/sides all the way around the pot until the two edges meet and overlap so none of the plastic pot is showing.
- Leave to dry
- Once dry it will be ready to add your soil to and your chosen herb or pretty flowers!

This is my birdhouse I made and then covered in the same way, the only thing with this is that the top of the roof has bleached in the sun, but it is positioned in the sunniest part of my patio, so if you wanted to do the same, I would position it in a shadier area.

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